This is my story of dedication (for getting into my dream school), belief (in God), courage (to regain the confidence I have lost), and hope (in eventually, finding my Romeo). Let's see how it all works out.

Friday, October 22, 2010

[hopefully] some pictures up soon...

I love homecoming week.Today at the pep rally, I cheered my throat out, and right at that instance, I realized hey. I'm part of something. I saw the cheerleaders twirling up in the air; it gave me goosebumps. I saw our impeccable football team jump up and down, shouting and screaming. I saw the couples on homecoming court, come out, doing silly little tricks. Everything was perfect. Everything fell right. There was this overwhelming, this enigmatic feeling permeating the room. I looked at my class, all hyped up, chanting  juniors, juniors, juniors! I looked at the 2000 students in our room, dancing to the music, wearing the true school colors: navy blue and silver. On top of that, I heard the marching band play its infamous tunes; the drums never missed a beat, and they were better than any song out there. I heard the beautifully sung national anthem...and our school's universal Oh! Say does that...It all felt great. It's impossible to put into words. I finally felt part of something.I felt like these  people - some whom I'd grown to know better than others; some whom I'm wishing to meet - all became part of my family. We had grown up together. Elementary school. Middle school. Now, juniors in high school. Although I know college is a year away, I can already tell that once it hits me, I am really going to miss these people...and most importantly, this school.


  1. that sounds great!
    what is homecoming?

  2. i know exactly what you mean! that's what i love about pep rallys and things of the sort. it really brings us all together :) next year we need to get really into it since it's our last year! it's gonna be great :D

  3. @sadia: homecoming is a 2 day weekend comprised of a parade, a football game, and a dance; it's a way to welcome the incoming freshman and just a day to have fun!

    @zareena: yes! next year, we're making tshirts and screaming and going crazy :)



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