This is my story of dedication (for getting into my dream school), belief (in God), courage (to regain the confidence I have lost), and hope (in eventually, finding my Romeo). Let's see how it all works out.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Have Some Free Time?

Lady Gaga. Rihanna. Eminem. Lil Wayne. Jack Johnson. Katy Perry. Bruno Mars. Taylor Swift. Rascal Flatts.
Yes. I know all of them are quite talented and have many notorious, well acclaimed top singles. However, these days, I've been wanting to listen to music, but not them. I've been youtubing (hm. how enigmatic. i always thought that that was a word) and I've recently discovered many talented musicians. A lot of their music are "covers", but some of them have out original songs as well.

My favorites are:
1) Julia Sheer & Tyler Ward
2) Cimorelli
3) Mike Tompkins
4) Megan and Liz

Check them out. What do you think?/ Have any recommendations? 


  1. I love Megan and Liz! Theyre so talented.

  2. that's cool! thanks for sharing!

    <3, Mimi

  3. @lily: yes! i know!

    @mimi: no problemo :) i've checked ur blog out :)

  4. I enjoy watching Alyssa Bernal (hchsknights08), Helena & Maria (helenamariamusic), and Lisa Scinta (LisaScinta). I know there are others, but those are the ones that immediately come to mind. :)


Thank you for commenting! I love all of them and they truly make my day! Plus, keep checking back because I always end up replying to them!